From the start of the autumn school term TFL are requesting that school buses (starting with a 6**) are used only by school children. In our area: 612, 627, 633, 654, 663, 664, 685 and 689.
Some other buses will also become dedicated school buses around school times. This will include the 60 and 466 that start from the Oasis Academy in Old Coulsdon and the 405 from Harris Academy.
In addition, some buses on the following routes will at school times have some buses dedicated for school children and some for ordinary passengers. In our area: 60, 109, 127, 154, 157, 194, 197, 198, 289, 312, 410, 466 & 468.
The following local buses will have additional buses at school time: 130, 405, 434, 455, & 463.

All children over the age of 11 unless exempt will have to wear a face covering.
At present fares for 11 to 16 year olds will remain free for children with a zip card.
More information from TfL web site