ECRA Rules

ECRA Logo_3.jpgAffiliated to the National Trust, the Council for the Protection of Rural England and the Open Spaces Society



1. The Association shall be called “THE EAST COULSDON RESIDENTS’ ASSOCIATION‟

2. AIMS:

(a) To advance and protect the interests of the Residents and enhance the amenities of the district.

(b) To ascertain the opinions of the Residents and to lay such opinions before the appropriate Authority when desirable.

(c) To promote such cultural and social activities as may from time to time be deemed desirable.

(d) To co-operate with other Organisations in any of these aims.

3. The Association shall be non-party and non-sectarian.

4. All adult Residents in the East Coulsdon Area (as defined by the map on the web site) shall be eligible for membership.

5. The Executive Committee has the right to refuse or revoke membership of persons who act contrary to the aims of the Association.

6. The minimum annual subscription shall be such as is recommended by the Executive Committee from time to time and approved by the Annual General Meeting, which shall cover all adult members of the same family unit resident at the same address. Subscriptions are due on 1st April in each year and payment thereof shall constitute membership “except those excluded under rule 5”.

7. The Officers of the Association shall be a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, and such Assistant Honorary Secretaries and/or Treasurers as may be considered necessary, all of whom shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.

8. The Executive Committee shall consist of the Officers, together with up to fifteen other members as the Annual General Meeting shall determine; five to form a quorum. The Executive Committee shall hold meetings as required, and shall have power to co-opt members either to fill vacancies on the Committee or in a consultative capacity.

9. In the event of a vacancy arising, the Executive Committee shall have the power to co-opt members until the following Annual General Meeting.

10. The Treasurer will be responsible for the Accounts and cheque books. All cheques will require two signatures from authorised officers.

11. Any nominations for Officers, other members of the Executive Committee and Honorary Auditor made before the Annual General Meeting must be in the hands of the Honorary Secretary in writing seven clear days prior to the date of that meeting.

12. The Annual General Meeting shall be held in May or June. Further Special General Meetings shall be held whenever the Executive Committee so decide.

13. An Extra Ordinary General Meeting may be called at any time on application in writing, stating the object for which such General Meeting is desired and signed by no fewer than twenty members. No business other than that stated on the Agenda shall be dealt with at the Meeting.

14. The Audited Accounts for the previous year ended 31st March shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting and an Honorary Auditor shall be elected at that meeting to act for the current year.

15. Notice of each Annual General meeting with the Agenda and Audited Accounts shall be available to Stewards and be published on the web site at least fourteen days prior to the date of the meeting. At least seven clear days’ notice shall be given of other General Meetings.

16. The Association shall not be dissolved except by the vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting at a General Meeting, on the Agenda of which shall appear the question of dissolution.

17. On dissolution any surplus funds shall be paid to local charities to be decided by the outgoing Executive Committee.

18. No alteration to these Rules shall be made except by a two-thirds majority of those present and voting at a General Meeting, on the Agenda of which shall appear the proposed alterations. No Rule shall be amended within twelve months of a previous decision on a proposal to amend such Rule, except upon the recommendations of the Executive Committee and all notices of suggested alterations shall be sent to the Honorary Secretary in writing at least twenty eight days prior to the AGM.

19. The Executive Committee shall have the power to discuss and act upon any matter consistent with Rules 2 and 3.

20. The Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees as may be deemed advisable for special purposes, and if considered necessary may co-opt on such sub-committees any member or members of the Association. The Chairman and Secretary of the Association shall be ex-officio members of all sub-committees.

21. Only the Executive Committee or persons authorised by the Executive Committee have the authority to speak for or act on behalf of the Association.

22. Any person purporting to represent the Association without the Authority of the Executive Committee will have their membership revoked.

23. Decisions at General or Committee Meetings, except where otherwise provided for in these Rules, shall be taken by a simple majority vote of members present and voting. Voting shall be by show of hands unless a ballot is demanded by at least a third of the members present.

Adopted AGM June 2010