When the lockdown was announced in March it was clear that the ECRA committee could no longer functional as normal. We had to postpone our AGM and cancel our social events including the Quiz nights. We were fortunate that we had already printed the Spring Review and with the help of our road stewards who didn’t have to self-isolate and some additional volunteers, we were able to distribute it without knocking and collecting the annual subscription (this accounts for the reduction in subs and reserves in the accounts).
We have continued to act in your interest by having committee meetings online by zoom and in back gardens where we could maintain social distancing. We have continued to engage on your behalf with the outside bodies such as the Croydon council, TfL, Network Rail, the NHS, BrickbyBrick, etc. by zoom, MS Teams, email and phone.
We now find ourselves in position where it is clear we will not be able to hold the AGM in the Autumn, our Stewards’ night or the Christmas Dinner. I am pleased to say that the committee have all volunteered to carry on until we are in a safe position to hold an AGM which may be well into next year.
We will continue to engage with those outside bodies on your behalf and we will also publish and distribute the Review for the rest of the year. You can find the accounts for the year 2019/20 in this PDF.
As you can see our main sources of income is subscriptions and adverts. It is important that we collect as many subscriptions as possible. This enables us to maintain the subscriptions at £3.00 and to use any surplus money on your behalf in the community.
If you have not paid yoursubscription this year. You can help us and our road stewards by paying your subscription by Standing Order or Bank Transfer. To do this please contact us on and we tell you how to do this. Alternatively, you can pay by cash or cheque (payable to ECRA) direct to your road steward or you can put the £3.00 in an envelope with your address on it through my door at 50 Reddown Road.
The Covid-19 pandemic is a very serious issue and it is important we do what we can for ourselves and others to keep safe. It is pleasing to see how the Coulsdon community has pulled together to help each other. Please stay safe.
Charles King Chair : East Coulsdon Residents’ Association
TfL have made proposals to change bus routes in Sutton and Croydon. There are a few changes which we believe can be improved upon.
The changes that affect Coulsdon are :
They intend to withdraw route 455 from Old Lodge Lane to Croydon via Pampisford Road and then on to Wallington via Wandle Valley and Roundshaw – as this route is very long, unreliable and difficult to regulate.
They intend to extend the 312 from South Croydon to Old Lodge Lane.
Divert the 166 round the Purley loop, along Pampisford Road and via South Croydon station.
Route 434 Coulsdon To Whyteleafe South to extend Caterham, but via a diversion to the top of Kenley adding 5 minutes to the journey time.
The change to the 166 will add anything up to 8 minutes on the journey to Croydon and will lose its Purley Town centre and Purley Hospital Stops.
The extension of route 434 to Caterham is positive but should continue to be via the existing Northwood Avenue route.
You can object / give feedback by filling in the questionnaire on the TfL consultation web site, by email to or write to FREEPOST TFL CONSULTATIONS (Ref: Sutton – Croydon bus changes)
The Friends of Farthing Downs and Happy Valley have relaunched their nature trail on Farthing Downs and in Happy Valley Coulsdon, with the help of an all-star cast of celebrities. There are 29 marker posts with QR codes and with your mobile phone you can a narrative about the location by one of a number of celebrities including Joanna Lumley, Tony Robinson and Martin Jarvis.
In conjunction with this they have issued a new booklet which costs £2 and is on sale at Advanced Print Brighton Road Coulsdon.
From the start of the autumn school term TFL are requesting that school buses (starting with a 6**) are used only by school children. In our area: 612, 627, 633, 654, 663, 664, 685 and 689.
Some other buses will also become dedicated school buses around school times. This will include the 60 and 466 that start from the Oasis Academy in Old Coulsdon and the 405 from Harris Academy.
In addition, some buses on the following routes will at school times have some buses dedicated for school children and some for ordinary passengers. In our area: 60, 109, 127, 154, 157, 194, 197, 198, 289, 312, 410, 466 & 468.
The following local buses will have additional buses at school time: 130, 405, 434, 455, & 463.
All children over the age of 11 unless exempt will have to wear a face covering.
At present fares for 11 to 16 year olds will remain free for children with a zip card.
A new local Italian run Deli Caffe has opened in Stoats Nest parade, Coulsdon. Serving good coffee, tasty paninis, fresh bread, canolli, arancini, pasta, deli ham and cheeses plus gelato, cakes and authentic Italian fresh shelf and frozen products. Eat in/outside/Take-away. Customer parking.