You will need to let Croydon Council know that you have moved, so that you’re only charged council tax from the day you move into your new home.
You also need to register to vote.
If you have children of school age you may also need to let the Schools Admissions team know the details of your children.
Buying a home can be a stressful experience. To help the process your solicitor can apply online for a Croydon local land charges search.
The search protects you from nasty surprises after you’ve moved into your new home, such as extensions without Building Regulations Approval or plans which may affect your new home.
The London Borough of Croydon
The London Borough of Croydon is at Bernard Weatherill House, Mint Walk, Croydon, CR0 1EA.
For information about guided walks, Friends of Parks, environmental education for schools and groups or how to get involved in caring for Croydon’s green open spaces follow this link.
Croydon has an astonishingly large amount of green, open spaces. Many of them have playgrounds or playing fields. For Coulsdon we have Farthing Downs and Happy Valley which are the beginning of the North Downs and owned by the City of London. Find out where the Parks are.
House Improvement Grants
Discretionary grants may be available for owner occupiers, private tenants and private landlords for essential repairs and other works but are all subject to means tests. Information on Landlord schemes and help for house owners available on the Croydon Council website.
If you are moving or have moved to an area with parking restrictions you can apply for a dispensation from the Council. The charge varies dependant on the type of parking restrictions which are in force but will in any case, need to be made at least 5 days before the event.
You can also find out where you can park in Croydon, how to obtain all kinds of parking permits, be these for residents, business, visitors or disabled by following this link.
Waste and recycling
To find out how to dispose of all types of waste and recycling in Croydon and the collection schedule for your road.
Register to vote
Use the GOV.UK Register to vote service to appear on the Electoral Register.
Schools and nurseries
For a list of all schools and nurseries in Croydon.